Parish Plan & Local Plan
The Local planning is effectively a collection of various planning policy documents which consider a wide range of important planning issues such as housing, employment, retail, the environment, and transport. Together all these documents create "The Local Plan". It plays a crucial role in prioritising and shaping development in Shropshire up until 2026.
The Local Plan is made up of several planning documents, known as Local Development Documents (LDDs). When adopted, the policies and guidance contained in these LDDs will play an important role in the assessment of individual planning applications within Shropshire.
Two of the key documents which make up the Shropshire Local Development Framework (LDF) are:
- Core Strategy DPD - adopted 24 February 2011
- Site Allocations and Management of Development Adopted Plan – adopted 17 December 2015
The Local Plan is available on Shropshire Council's website